Congratulations to Winners and Finalists!
Here are the top competitors in the NFTE World Series of Innovation, listed by challenge category.
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019

13 Climate actionBank of the West Move on Climate Challenge - 2021
sdg 13
First Place: eCircular, a digital application and e-waste ecosystem that incentivizes consumers to recycle their used electronics. Developed by 18-year-old Robin Ye in Singapore.

8 Decent work and economic growthCiti Foundation Inclusive Growth Challenge - 2021
sdg 8
First Place: Luminous Teen, a teenage freelancing platform where teenagers with passion and talents can get connected with a market that needs their services. Submitted by 18-year-old Nasif Iqbal, 18-year-old Sabrina Tasnim, and 18-year-old Aumio Sarker, and 14-year-old Ahnaf Ilman, students at Notre Dame College in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sabujbagh Government College in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Wordbridge School in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Dhaka Residential Model College in Dhaka Bangladesh respectively.

17 Partnerships for the goalsEY Collaborate for Impact Challenge - 2021
sdg 17
First Place: MVMNT, an app that partners eco-conscious consumers with local green businesses and activism networks to foster sustainable lifestyles. Developed by 16-year-old Jason Lin and 16-year-old Daniel Shi, students at Cranbrook Kingswood School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

5 Gender equalityMary Kay Gender Equality Challenge - 2021
sdg 5
First Place: STEMinists, an online portal that connects female professionals to mentor young female STEM students to bolster female success in STEM fields. Developed by 15-year-old Misaki Nguyen, student at Silver Creek High School in San Jose, California.

11 Sustainable cities and communitiesMaxar Community Resilience from Space Challenge - 2021
sdg 11
First Place: Eagle Eye, harnesses geospatial data to aid in waste management of urban areas. Developed by 18-year-old Robin Ye and 18-year-old Bryan Ng from Singapore.

2 Zero hungerPIMCO Food Equity Challenge - 2021
sdg 2
First Place: Verdant City, a three-tiered city-wide project that aims to reduce produce distance by connecting local schools to produce. Developed by 16-year-old Redding Baldwin, 16-year-old Taj Melhuish, and 17-year-old Jack McCuddin, students at Episcopal School of Los Angeles in Los Angeles, California.

11 Sustainable cities and communitiesSaint-Gobain Sustainable Cities Challenge - 2021
sdg 11
First Place: Cardbio, manipulates properties of cardboard to create several sustainable construction materials. Developed by 16-year-old Arnav Grover, a student at Academy of Information Technology and Engineering in Stamford, Connecticut.