WSI Saint-Gobain Sustainable Cities Challenge - 2021, SDG 11WSI

Congratulations to Winners and Finalists in the 2021 Challenge Season!

Here are the top competitors in the 2021-22 academic year NFTE World Series of Innovation.

Saint-Gobain Sustainable Cities Challenge - 2021

The Challenge: The Challenge: Design a solution to promote use of sustainable building materials or create a circular economy in building construction.


  • First Place: Cardbio, manipulates properties of cardboard to create several sustainable construction materials. Developed by 16-year-old Arnav Grover, a student at Academy of Information Technology and Engineering in Stamford, Connecticut. See their video here.
  • Second Place: Rubix Living, inspired by a Rubik's cube, this modular living unit serves to provide a sustainable housing solution to unhoused people. Developed by 15-year-old Renee Wang, a student at The Bishop’s School in La Jolla, California. See their video here.
  • Third Place: Reconcrete, leverages the limestone-forming ability of concrete to create a self-healing carbon-negative concrete solution. Developed 21-year-old Abhishek Patra, a student at the Birla Institute of Technology Mesra in India. See their video here.


  • ECOers, a concrete solution that utilizes irradiated plastic additives to minimize plastic pollution. See their video here.
  • Respire, a 3-step demolition/construction plan that utilizes basalt fiber reinforced polymer bars and self-compacting lightweight concrete to maximize cost-efficiency while preserving a circular economy on modern construction. Developed by a team in Monta Vista High School in Cupertino, California. See their video here.
  • Solar Sidewalks, a road system of interlocking hexagons made of recycled plastics to capture solar energy on roadway. Developed by a team from Mead High School in Spokane, Washington. See their video here.
  • Sustainable Vision, a processing facility proposal that partners with construction companies to foster collaboration for a circular economy. Developed by a team from Mater Dei High School in Santa Ana, California. See their video here.
  • CYR, a recycling company that specializes in construction materials and recycling education to promote sustainable construction. Developed by a team from Dakota Collegiate in Manitoba, Canada. See their video here.
  • Gypsun Inc., a gypsum recycling machine that uses renewable energy to decrease its ecological footprint. Developed by a team from Monta Vista High School in Cupertino, California.
  • Just Clean Recycled Furniture, a sustainable business that aims to use recycled construction material to create furniture and promote a circular economy. Developed by a team from Independence High School in San Jose, California.

More Challenges

Impact League (ages 13-24)

6 Clean water and sanitationAramco Clean Water Challenge


sdg 6

Use emerging technologies to make water sanitation more efficient

View Challenge

9 Industry, innovation and infrastructureCBT Technology Solar Innovation Challenge

CBT Technology Institute

sdg 9

Enhance learning environments and reduce costs for public community facilities.

View Challenge

8 Decent work and economic growthCiti Foundation Youth Economic Advancement Challenge

Citi Foundation

sdg 8

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

View Challenge

4 Quality educationComerica Quality Education Challenge

Comerica Bank

sdg 4

Increase the number of youths with technical and vocational skills

View Challenge

16 Peace, justice and strong institutionsEY Responsible AI Challenge


sdg 16

Utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and entrepreneurship to create inclusive communities.

View Challenge

4 Quality educationIntuit Game Based Financial Learning Challenge

Intuit for Education

sdg 4

Design a game that teaches finances to students like you!

View Challenge

3 Good health and wellbeingMetLife Foundation Good Health and Well-Being Challenge

MetLife Foundation

sdg 3

Promote high quality access to physical and/or mental wellbeing in your community

View Challenge

13 Climate actionZuora Climate Action Challenge


sdg 13

Encourage carbon footprint reduction with consumption-based methods.

View Challenge

Imagination League (ages 5 - 12)

6 Clean water and sanitationAramco Clean Water Challenge


sdg 6

Imagine a tool or machine that can turn dirty water in your community into clean, usable water!

View Challenge

8 Decent work and economic growthCiti Foundation Youth Economic Development Challenge

Citi Foundation

sdg 8

Help everyone have a good job and make sure that everyone, including people who might have trouble finding work, can earn money and have a happy, safe place to work.

View Challenge

3 Good health and wellbeingMetLife Foundation Good Health and Well-Being Challenge

MetLife Foundation

sdg 3

Promote high quality access to physical and/or mental wellbeing in your community.

View Challenge

World Series of Innovation

NFTE hosts World Series of Innovation (WSI) as part of our commitment to the Global Entrepreneurship Network and the annual celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week.

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